Consul General Nathalie Olijslager to kick-off Social Media Week Miami

Starting tomorrow, Miami will be all about Social Media Week 2015. This international “inspirational convention” will be opened by our Consul General in Miami, Nathalie Olijslager.

Together with her British colleague, Ms Olijslager will talk about social media, innovation and its use within governments. The main subject will be how diplomats can incorporate social media in their daily work. If you have a question for our CG, you can tweet it to her.

In case you can’t make it to Social Media Week Miami, the kick-off will be livestreamed from 1 PM EDT. More information can be found here.

Social Media Week takes place four times a year in cities like New York, Mexico City, Jakarta and Mumbai. This week the event is simultaneously being held in Rotterdam, London, São Paulo and Miami. This years theme is “Upwardly Mobile, the Rise of the Connected Class.”

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